Class 11 Physics Ch 1

Physical World Class 11 Physics Chapter 1 Notes

CBSE NCERT Class 11 chapter 1 Notes

A girl is Sitting Under tree Eating this Picture shows  Physic World

 CBSE NCERT Class 11th Physics Notes Present a Various of important topics and Concepts like Work, Energy, and Power, Thermal Properties of Matter, Rotational Motion, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Gravitation and laws of Motion much more

CBSE Class 11 Chapter-wise Physics Notes

Class 11 physics Chapter  Physical World is an important study material for the Students who are presently studying in CBSE 11th standard. The NCERT Results for Class XIth PHYSICS Formulas , The role of Physics class 11 Notes in academic life is of great importance. In the absence of proper notes, it becomes arduous to recall all the concepts taught by the teacher in class. The preparation of notes is an ideal way to assist students in recognizing the significance of the concepts covered in the classroom by the subject teachers. Even if a student has a long-lasting memory, it is still challenging to remember everything. A written record in the form of a hard copy can prove to be useful during exams or when revising the material during homework. Regardless of whether the subject is practical or theoretical, notes are essential for proper studies.

Physics Class 11 Notes

If you are facing difficulties in studying the fundamental science subject, Physics, it is recommended that you start preparing proper Physics class 11 notes. The notes should be well-prepared by the student to avoid any difficulties during exam times. To have a great learning experience, it is essential to develop the habit of studying NCERT books thoroughly. The key to success for a student is to have a curious mind, a receptive attitude, and the habit of understanding the logic behind the problems.

Note to a Student for Physics Class 11

It is imperative for students to allocate their time to understand and learn the concepts behind mathematical tools such as integration, differentiation, and trigonometry. Calculus-based physics is taught in class 11, so it is essential to have a good understanding of such concepts. Additionally, students should learn thermal physics and practice numerical problems as much as possible. These chapters undoubtedly enhance the marks in the subject. It is recommended to practice all Physics formulas uploaded on Physics Wallah.

Key Notes for CBSE NCERT based Class 11th Physics

 The NCERT Results for Class 11 physics are matter experts according to the latest CBSE Syllabus 2023-24 and its marking schemes. Physical World  Physics Class twelve NCERT PDF can come easy to understand  while preparing notes and during  different Exams. Class 11 physics Chapter 
from the link attached below at free or no cost.  

Free Download Class XIth Physics all Chapters Toppers Notes. We Are Providing All The Notes In PDF Format. Class 11 Physics Notes will Help Students In Fast Revision During Exam Keynotes includes Important topics and Concepts These are very useful summary notes 

CBSE Class 11 Physics Ch 1 Notes Physical World 

Technology Applications of Physics


Physics is a study of basic laws of nature and their manifestation in different natural phenomena. → Word Physics is derived from a Greek word phusis meaning nature.

uses of Physics

>It can explain a phenomena happening over a large magnitude with a simple theory. Experiments and observations are used to develop new theories for

unidentified phenomena and improve old theories for existing phenomena. Development of devices using laws of physics.

Scope of Physics

Scope of Physics is vast as it covers quantities with length magnitude as high as

10m or more (astronomical studies of universe) and as low as 10m or less (study of electrons, protons etc). Similarly the range of time scale goes from 10s to 10¹s and mass from 10 kg to 10kg.

Physics is broadly divided into two types based its scope -

Classical Physics and Modern Physics.

 Classical physics
 deal with the macroscopic
phenomena while the modern physics deat with the microscopic phenomena.

Macroscopic domain include phenomena at large scales like laboratory, terrestrial and astronomical. It incly following subjects: Po study now

Macroscopic Domain

Mechanics - It is based on Newton's laws on motion and the laws of gravitation. It is concerned with motion/equilibrium of particles, rigid and deformable bodies and general system of particles. Examples,

a. Propulsion of rocket by ejecting gases

b. Water/Sound waves c. Equilibrium of bent rod under a load

Electrodynamics - It deals with electric and magnetic phenomena associated with charged and magnetic bodies. Examples,

a. motion of a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field b. the response of a circuit to an ac voltage (signal)

c. the propagation of radio waves in the ionosphere

Optics - It deals with phenomena involving light. Examples,

a. Reflection and refraction of light b. Dispersion of light through a prism

c. Colour exhibited by thin films

Thermodynamics - It deals with systems in macroscopic equilibrium and changes in internal energy, temperature, entropy etc. of systems under

application of external force or heat. Examples,

a. Efficiency of heat engines 

b. Direction of physical and chemical process

Microscopic Domain Microscopic domain includes phenomena at minor scales like atomic, molecular and nuclear. It also deals with interaction of probes like electrons, photons and other elementary particles. Quantum theory has been developed to handle these phenomena.

Factors responsible for progress of Physics

 1. Quantitative analysis along with qualitative analysis.

2. Application of universal laws in different conte 3. Approximation approach (complex phenomena broken down into collection of pos basic laws).

4. Extracting and focusing on essent features of a phenomenon. 

Technological applications of Physics developed from the industrial revolution in eighteenth

b. Wireless communication was developed after discovery of laws of electricity and magnetism.

c. Neuron-induced fission of uranium, done by Hahn and Meitner in 1938, led to the formation of nuclear power reactors and nuclear weapons.

d. Conversion of solar, wind, geothermal etc. energy into electricity. Various applications of Physics

Fundamental Forces in nature

The forces which we see in our day to day life like muscular, friction, electric,

magnetic, interatomic and intermolecular forces are derived forces as their originations are due to a few fundamental forces in nature. A few fundamental forces are:

1. Gravitational Force: 

It is the force of mutual attraction between any two objects by virtue of their masses. It is a universal force as every object experiences this force due to every other object in the universe.

The gravitational force causes the apple to fall as well as planets to revolve around the sun.

2. Electromagnetic Force:

 It is the force between charged particles. Charges at rest have electric attraction and repulsion. Charges in motion produce magnetic force. Together they are called Electromagnetic Force. The unlike charges attract each other while like charges repel each other. A current carrying wire generates magnetic field around it, giving rise to electromagnet

3. Strong Nuclear Force:

 It is the attractive force between protons and neutrons in a nucleus. Recent discoveries show that protons and neutrons are built of elementary particles, quarks. Bohr Model of Lithium Atom Nucleus sa tightly bound entity with a strang force of attraction between protons and neutrons. Electron revolve.  

Class 12 Physics is widely regarded as a challenging subject that often leaves students feeling overwhelmed. This subject has a proclivity to present students with constant challenges, necessitating continuous effort and rigorous practice in order to achieve maximum marks in examinations.

The importance of PW CBSE Class 11 Physics Formulas cannot be overstated. These notes are meticulously crafted by our team of highly experienced teachers, who have analyzed the past 10 years of examination papers and material to ensure comprehensive coverage of all important topics in the entire NCERT Syllabus, from Physical World to Waves. This precision in note preparation ultimately leads to optimal preparation and high scores in examinations.

At PW, we understand the difficulties that students face in Class 11 while studying Physics. As such, we offer a solution to alleviate the pressure and boost self-confidence. The free download of CBSE Class 11 Physics Formulas in PDF format is an invaluable resource for effective preparation and revision for examinations.

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  1. I love your teaching style
    And your note are very helpful
    This is very very useful note
