Madam Rides the Bus Summary Class 10 English


Madam Rides the Bus Summary Best Handwritten Notes 2023

 Class 10 English (First Flight) Chapter 8 Madam Rides the Bus Summary with Solutions (free PDF download) On this page, you can read or download the NCERT Book for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9 Madam Rides the Bus Notes with Questions and Answers.

The Class 10 English Chapter Revision PDF Summary QNA and Notes has been gathered by teachers and experts. Handwritten Notes Explanation

We have provided the NCERT Chapter Summary for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9 Madam Rides the Bus, as well as some very important questions and answers at the end of the notes. Board, CBSE. Class 10 NCERT textbook Some very important questions along with answers at end of notes 

CBSE Class 10th English Chapter 9 Notes  Chapter Sketch 

CBSE Class 10th English Chapter 9 Notes  Madam Rides the BusBest Handwritten Notes2023

This is a sensitive story of an 8 years old girl. It describes her first bus journey into the world outside her village. The outside world is fascinating and the bus ride a mysterious journey. 
She wants to experience this mysterious journey alone. She finds each minute information provided by her neighbours, regarding the bus journey and collected money for the bus fare. One day she goes on the bus ride alone and comes back with new experiences.


Valliammai and Her Pastime
Valliammai was a girl, who was known as Valli in short. She was eight years old. She wanted to know about new things. She had no one to play with her of her own age. So her favourite pastime was to stand in front of the door of her house. 
This always gave her new experiences. The bus that travelled from her street to the town fascinated her the most. Looking at the new passengers every time the bus passed gave an unending joy to Valli.

Valli Wants to Travel in The Bus

Everyday when Valli watched the bus she wanted to travel in the bus. This wish became stronger day by day until it became a desire. She used to stare at the people while they got up and down the bus. If one of her friends went on a bus ride and described her about the bus journey, she became jealous of her and would shout. Valli Discovers Details About The Bus Journey For many days and months Valli listened to the talks of her neighbours and people who went on the bus journey. She even asked them some questions since they were regular travellers. This way she was able to get even the minutes details about the bus journey. The fare was 30 paise for one way and the trip to the town took 45 minutes. She kept on planning and calculating the things for a long time.

Valli Takes The Bus

Valli took the bus on a spring afternoon. There were only six to seven passengers in the bus. The bus was new with soft and luxurious seats. The conductor was a jolly sort of a person and asked Valli to get seated in the front of the bus. He addressed Valli as Madam'. She started looking outside the bus and was attracted by the outside view. She could see the canal, the palm trees, grassland, distant mountains and the blue sky. A cow running towards the bus made her laugh and clap. The cow was not moving aside despite continuous honking by the driver.

Valli Reaches the Town

The bus reached the town after some time. Valli was on seeing the bright shops and big crowd. She stayed in the bus while the other passengers got down. The conductor asked her to get down but she told him that she would go back in the same bus. She refused his offer of giving her a cold drink as a treat.

The Return Journey

Valli saw the same wonderful sights on the return journey. She wasn't bored and greeted everything with the same excitement she'd felt the first time. Suddenly, she saw a young cow lying dead by the road side.
 It was the same cow that was running towards the bus when she was going to town. She was filled with sadness on seeing her. The bus moved on but the thoughts of the dead cow haunted Valli. She no longer looked outside the window. 
When the bus reached her village, she ran straight for home. Her mother did not get to know of her secret journey

Chapter Highlights

1 The story is about an eight year old girl named Valliammai. She was very curious to know about things.

2 Her favourite pastime was to stand at the front doorway of her house and see what was happening in the street outside.

3 She would watch the bus that passed every hour from her village to the nearest town.

4 She developed a desire to ride the bus. This became her deepest desire.

5 Valli found out the details of the bus journey by listening carefully to the conversations between her neighbours and regular bus users.

6 She came to know that the town was just six miles from her village and the fare for the bus journey was thirty paise one way. The trip took 45 minutes. 7 Valli planned her visit to the town. She saved sixty paise for the fare. Finally, one day she took the one o'clock bus to the town.

8 Valli was very happy to have got into the bus. 9 On the way to the town, Valli saw a cow running right in front of the bus. She clapped as the cow kept on running towards the bus despite the continuous honking by the driver. Overall did not get off the bus when it reached the town. She also declined the offer of a cold drink by the conductor.

II On the return journey, she saw the same cow lying dead by the roadside. This unpleasant sight made her very sad

12 The bus reached the village at three forty. She ran straight for her home after getting down the bus. Her mother did not come to know about her journey..

Importance of PW Physics Wallah's Class 10th English Chapters Summary 

10th First Flight Class The English textbook offers a variety of prose and poetry.
These will aid you in the development of your English language and personality. If you're having trouble or running out of time, you can use this link to access the NCERT Notes and Summary for Class 10th First Flight. We have developed these summaries and incorporated all pertinent information that will assist you in the examination. Wise Chapter Expert teachers created CBSE Class 10 English First Flight, Footprints without Feet Notes Summary of All Chapters in Hindi Pdf Download from the most recent edition of the NCERT Textbook. First Flight, Footprints without Feet Class 10 Chapters Summary is provided here.

Well-prepared Class 10 English notes can aid students in comprehending the concepts, contents, and themes encompassed in all chapters. The Revision Notes for Class 10 English Notes, made by Physicswallah, are founded on the most up-to-date CBSE-approved Syllabus 2023. Students need not fret about procuring numerous books to review for monthly tests and examinations.

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