Sermon at Benares Summary Class 10 English

Sermon at Benares Summary Best Handwritten Summary 2023

 Class 10 English (First Flight) Chapter 10 - Sermon at Benares Summary with Solutions (free PDF download) On this page, you can read or download the NCERT Book for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 10 Sermon at Benares Notes with Questions and Answers.

The Class 10 English Chapter Revision PDF Summary QNA and Notes has been gathered by teachers and experts. Handwritten Notes Explanation

We have provided the NCERT Chapter Summary for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 10 Sermon at Benares, as well as some very important questions and answers at the end of the notes. Board, CBSE. Class 10 NCERT textbook Some very important questions along with answers at end of notes . Board, CBSE. Textbook, NCERT. Class 10  

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CBSE Class 10th English Chapter 10 Notes Chapter Sketch 

Sermon at Benaras  Best Handwritten Notes 2023

The Sermon at Benares' is a chapter written by Betty Renshaw. The chapter covers the journey of Gautama Buddha from princehood to his saintly life. After seeing the suffering of the world, he decided to give up all worldly pleasures and seeked enlightenment. He finally attained salvation under a tree at Bodhgaya. His first sermon was delivered at Benares near the bank of the Ganges. Kisa Gautami was the first one to receive this sermon.

About the Characters

Buddha Gautama Buddha is the founder of the Buddhist Religion. He was a spiritual teacher who had gained enlightenment after seeing the World's pains and greed. Kisa Gotami She was a young mother whose only son had died. She was a loving and caring mother, but at the same time, she became selfish and wanted to get her son back after death


Buddha as a Prince

Gautama Buddha was bom as a prince named Siddhartha Gautama in Northern India. At 12, he was sent for schooling in Hindu Sacred Scriptures. Four years later, he returned home and got married to a princess. They had a son. They lived a royal life for 10 years.

Gautama is Enlightened from the Sufferings of the World

He was protected from the sufferings of the world. One day, he saw a sick man, an old man, a funeral procession and a monk begging for money and food. This moved Buddha and he then went out to seek enlightenment.

Gautama Seeks Enlightenment and Becomes Gautama Buddha

He travelled aimlessly for seven years and then he stayed under a peepal tree until he attained enlightenment. After seven days, he got enlightened and renamed the tree as Bodhi Tree (Tree of Wisdom). There, he began to teach and share his knowledge and became known as Buddha.

Buddha Gives his First Sermon Buddha preached his first sermon at the city of Benares. It is the holiest of the dipping places on the river Ganges. This sermon reflects Buddha's wisdom about the kind of suffering that is impossible to interpret. 

Kisa Gotami's Story

Kisa Gotami had only one son. She carried her dead son in her arms and she went door to door asking for medicines for her dead child. The neighbours pitied her but could not help her as her son was dead. They were as helpless as Kisa and couldn't go against the will of God. Finally, somebody suggested that she should go to the Sakyamuni, the Buddha. Kisa Gotami went to meet Gautama Buddha. Gautama told her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where death has never knocked at the door. Kisa thought that it was a very easy task. She went to all the houses in the village but couldn't find a single house where death had not taken a beloved away. She sat down, hopeless and tired. She soon realised that she was being very selfish in her grief. Death is common to all

Buddha's Reply to Kisa Gotami

The life of morals is troubled, brief and combined with pain. It is not possible to avoid death. As the ripe fruits are in danger of falling, as the earthen vessels made by the potter break, similarly the mortals have the danger of death Wise men and fools, all fall in the power of death. Only the wise do not grieve and they accept the reality. All weeping and grieving will bring more pain and sufferings to the body. One, who is composed, will obtain peace of mind and will be free from sorrow and be blessed.

Chapter Highlights

This lesson is about the life of Gautama Buddha, who was born in a royal family as Siddhartha.

2 He was sent to study Hindu scriptures, and later married a princess. 3 Once he saw a sick man, an old man, a funeral procession and a monk begging for money.

4 These sights moved him and he went to search for enlightenment". 5 He started meditating under a peepal tree and got enlightened after 7 days and became known as the Buddha.

6 He preached his first sermon at Benares.

7. Once a woman came to him requesting to bring her dead son to life. 8 Gautama Buddha asked the lady to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where there had been no death.

9 The lady moved from one house to another but she could not find a single house where no one has lost a child, husband, parent or friend. 10 Then, she came to know that death is common to all and is the ultimate truth of life.

Importance of PW Physics Wallah's Class 10th English Chapters Summary 

Class 10th English Notes that are well-prepared can help students in understanding the concepts, contents, and themes covered in all chapters. The Revision Notes for Class 10 English Notes provided by physicswallah are based on the most recent CBSE-approved Syallabus 2023. Students do not have to worry about locating multiple books to review for the monthly tests and exams.

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