Control and Coordination Class 10 Notes Science Chapter 7

 Control and Coordination Class 10 Notes CBSE Science Chapter 7

CBSE NCERT Class 10 Notes Science contains physics, chemistry and biology notes of chapter 7 Control and Coordination topics given in textbook are part of Revision Notes for Class 

Science Notes cover an overview of the main given points of every concepts and Topics in the NCERT TextBooks Class 10th Science this Chapter Notes includes topic/concepts wise explanations for all the topic provided in the book such as  Reflexes , Neuron, Brain, Peripheral Nervous system and functions of Neuron System 

Well prepared Class 10th Science Notes will guidance students understand the topics ,concepts and themes covered in all the chapters of Ncert Text book of 10th 

chapter 7 Control and Coordination

CBSE Class 10 Chapter-wise Science Notes

Control and Coordination

All the living organisms respond and react to changes in the 
environment around them.

Examples - Withdrawal of hand on touching hot object. 


The changes in the environment to which the organisms 
respond is called stimuli such as light, heat, cold, sound, smell, 
touch etc.

Plants and animals both respond to stimuli but in different 

Control And Coordination in ANIMALS 

It is brought about in all animals with the help of two main 
a) Nervous System
b) Endocrine System
Nervous System
The nervous system is made of Brain, Spinal Cord and a huge 
network of Nerves.

Functions of Nervous System –

i) To receive information from environment.
ii) Controls all voluntary muscular activities. Example- running
and writing.
iii) Enables us to remember, think and reason.
iv) Regulates involuntary activities such as breathing and
beating of the heart


- These are specialized tips of some nerve cells that detect the
information from the environment.
- These receptors are located in our sense organs.
a) Ear :
• Used in Hearing
• Help in making Balance of Body
b) Eyes :
• Photoreceptors
• Used in Seeing

Skin :

• Thermoreceptors
• Used in feeling temperature like Hot or Cold
• Touch

d) Nose :
• Olfactory receptors
• Used in Smelling

e) Tongue :
• Gustatory receptors
• Used in Tasting (Sweet or Salty)
Structural and Functional unit of nervous system.

Parts of Neuron:

1) Dendrites -
 It receives information.

2) Cell Body -
The received information by dendrites is now traveled as an
electrical impulse by Cell Body

Axon -

It is the longest fibre on the cell of body is called Axon. It
transmits electrical impulse from cell body to dendrite of next

It is the gap between the nerve ending of one neuron and
dendrite of other neuron.
In this electrical signal is converted into chemical signal.

Reflex Action

Reflex action is quick, sudden and immediate response of the
body to a stimulus.
Examples - When you smell your favorite dish, your mouth waters.
Reflex Arc -
The pathway through which nerve impulses pass during reflex
action is called Reflex Arc.


Responses are of three main types –
1. Voluntary
- Controlled by Fore Brain.
- Eg. Talking, Writing.
2. Involuntary
- Controlled by mid and back brain.
- Eg. Heartbeat, Vomiting, Breathing
3. Reflex Action
- Controlled by Spinal cord.
- Eg. When you touch a hot object, you withdraw your hand
from it immediately.
Need of Reflex Actions
In some situations such as touching a hot object, pinching etc.
We need to act quickly, otherwise our body would be harmed.
Here response is generated from spinal cord instead of brain.

Human Nervous System

Brain is the main coordinating centre of the body.
It has three major parts -
1) Fore (Front) – Brain
2) Mid (Middle) – Brain
3) Hind (Back) – Brain
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Cranial Nerves
rise from Brain
Spinal Cord
Spinal Nerves
arise from
Spinal Cord

1) Fore (Front) Brain

It is the most complex part of the brain. It consists of
Functions –
i) Thinking part of the brain
ii) Control the voluntary actions
iii) Store Information (Memory)

2) Mid (Middle) Brain

It connects the Fore (Front) – Brain with Hind (Back) – Brain
Functions –
i) Controls Involuntary actions
ii) This part of brain helps in changing Size of Pupil in our
iii) Controls Reflex movements of Head, Neck

3) Hind (Back) Brain

It has three parts -
i) Cerebellum -
Controls posture and balance. Precision of voluntary actions
Eg. Picking

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