Life Processes Class 10 Notes CBSE Science Chapter 6
CBSE NCERT Class 10 Notes Science contains physics, chemistry and biology notes of chapter 6 Life Processess topics given in textbook are part of Revision Notes for Class
Science Notes cover an overview of the main given points of every concepts and Topics in the NCERT TextBooks Class 10th Science this Chapter Notes includes topic/concepts wise explanations for all the topic provided in the book such as Food , Digestive Life Processes , Enzymes, heterotrophic, Holozoic , Nutrition , Respiration, Digestion, Transportation and Excretion
CBSE Class 10 Chapter-wise Science Notes
Well prepared Class 10th Science Notes will guidance students understand the topics ,concepts and themes covered in all the chapters of Ncert Text book of 10th
Life Processes
(Previous yr. Ques Included)
Designed with Physics Wallah
Lets know how our "BODY" works
Life Processes
The basis function performed by living organisms to maintain their life on this Earth.
These include nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion.
Life Processes
The process of intake of nutrients (like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamin and water) by an organism as well as the utilization of these nutrients by the organism.
Nutrients Group of food in which protein, fats, vitamins and minerals are involved is called nutrients.
Types of Nutrition
Autotrophic Nutrition
The process by which organism synthesize its own food from simple inorganic substances like carbon dioxide and water present in the surrounding environment is called as autotrophic nutrition.
Eg- Green Plants and Bacteria
Heterotrophic Nutrition
• Organisms that can't synthesize there own food from simple inorganic
substances and obtain there own food from other organisms, this process is called heterotrophic nutrition.
⚫ Eg- Animals and fungi
Nutrition in Plants - Photosynthesis
⚫The process by which green plants takes in inorganic substances like CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) and WATER (H₂O) and convert them into food (like glucose) in the presence of SUNLIGHT and CHLOROPHYLL is called PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
• OXYGEN gas is released during PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
Conditions necessary for Photosynthesis
light URAV 1. Sunlight
2. Chlorophyll
3. Carbon Dioxide
4. Water
Steps of Photosynthesis -
Absorption of Light Energy by Chlorophyll.
(2) Conversion of Light Energy to Chemical Energy and splitting of Water molecules into Hydrogen and Oxygen
Reduction of Carbon Dioxide by Hydrogen to form Carbohydrates like Glucose.
Ques) Where do plants get each of the raw materials required for photosynthesis?
The process of photosynthesis requires two raw materials:
1. Carbon Dioxide
2. Water
1. Carbon Dioxide - The green plants take Carbon Dioxide from air through Stomata.
2. Water - Water required for photosynthesis is absorbed by roots from soil.
Tiny Pores present on the surfaces of leaves
Responsible for gaseous exchange
⚫ Surrounded by a pair of guard cells which control opening and closing of stomata.
Open Stomata
Close Stomata
Nucleus Choroplasts
Water flows into guard cells
Stomata Open
Guard cell
Cell wall
Water flows out of → Stomata Close guard cells
Nutrition in Animals Heterotrophic Nutrition
Saprophytic Nutrition
In this the organism obtains its nutrition from decaying organic matter of the dead Plants and Animals
Eg. Fungi
In this organism obtains food from the body of another living organisms (host) without killing it.
Eg. Lice, Ticks etc.
Holozoic Nutrition
In this the organism takes in Complex organic food by a process called Ingestion, which is then digested and absorbed into the body and waste, undigested part is thrown out of the body through Egestion.
Eg. Amoeba, Man, Dog etc.
Nutrition in Amoeba
- Amoeba takes in food using temporary finger like extensions of the cell surface called as Pseudopodia
-Pseudopodia fuse over food particle performing a food-
- Various enzymes from cytoplasm enter into food vacuole and breaks down complex substances into simpler ones.
-The simple soluble food is absorbed by cytoplasm of Amoeba
through the process of diffusion.
Food particle
Food vacuole Food particle
-The remaining undigested material is moved to the surface of the cell and thrown out.
Nutrition in Paramecium
Paramecium is an unicellular organism, the cell has definite shape and food is taken in at a specific spot by the movement of Cilia which cover the entire surface of the cell.
•Food particle
Nutrition in Human Beings
-The food is ingested through mouth.
-Teeth crushes and breaks down food into smaller pieces. - The process of Digestion starts from Mouth.
-The salivary glands secrete Saliva which contains an enzyme called salivary amylase which digest the starch present in food
-The food is ingested through mouth. -Teeth crushes and breaks down food into smaller pieces. -The process of Digestion starts from Mout
-The salivary glands secrete Saliva which contains an enzyme called salivary amylase which digest the starch present in food into Sugar. Subscri
Starch Salivary Amyla
Oesophagus/Food pipe
-The walls of oesophagus show peristaltic movement (Rhythmic contraction and relaxation of muscles) which pushes the food forward into the Stomac
-The glands present in the walls of stomach secrete gastric juice. - Gastric juice contains 1. Hydrochloric Jui
2. Enzyme Pepsin 3. Mucus
1) Hydrochloric Acid - Creates an acidic medium which facilitat
the action of enzyme pepsin
2) Pepsin - It is a Protein digesting enzym
3) Mucus - Protects the Inner lining of the stomach from the action of Acid
-The exit of food into small intestine is regulated by 'Sphincter muscle
Small Intestine
- Small Intestine is the site for complete digestion of food (Carbohydrate, Fats, Proteins
Small Intestine receives secretion of two glands: Liver and Pancrea
1) Liver function
- Liver secrets Bile juice. SU -Bile juice performs
i) Makes the acidic food coming from Stomach Alkaline so that pancreatic enzymes can act on
ii) Bile juice breaks the fat present in food into small globules(emulsified fat) so that enzymes can act on it and