Diversity in Living Organisms 9 Notes Science

Diversity in living organisms Class 9 Notes CBSE Science Chapter 7 

NCERT CBSE Class 9th Notes Revision Notes for Class include Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organisms subjects from the textbook. 

This Chapter Notes includes topic/concepts wise explanations for all the topics provided in the book such as Classification System, Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. The classification is based on the following criteria: • cell type (eukaryotic or prokaryotic) • number of cells present (unicellular or multicellular)

Well prepared Class 9th Science all Chapters Notes will guidance students understand the topics ,concepts and themes covered in all the chapters of Ncert Text book of 9th  

Diversity in Living Organisms 

Classification The arrangement of the organisms in groups on the basis of their similarities and differences is known as Classification.  Basis of Classification • Presence of Nucleus – (Prokaryotic/Eukaryotic) • Body design/make up of cells – (Single/Multicellular)

The arrangement of the organisms in groups on the basis of their similarities and differences is known as Classification.

Basis of Classification

• Presence of Nucleus – (Prokaryotic/Eukaryotic)
• Body design/make up of cells – (Single/Multicellular)
• Production of food – (Autotrophic/Heterotrophic)
• Level of Organisation
• In animals, an organisation of ones body parts, development of body, organs.

Note: These features can differ both in plants & animals as they differ both in plants & animals as they differ in their body design. Subgroups are made 
because of prominent designs and characteristic features.

Classification System

A.Two Kingdom Classification

This system was proposed by ‘Carlous Linnaeus’ who
classified organism majorly into two kingdoms Plants and Animals.

B.Five Kingdom Classification: This system was proposed by R.H. Whittaker – Monera –
Protista – Fungi – Plantae - Animalia
Hierarychy of Classification
Carlous Linnaeus arranged the organisms into different taxonomies groups at different levels.
The groups from top to bottom are

Kingdom Kingdom
Phylum  Animalia 
Class  Chordata
Order Mammalia 
Family Primates 
Genus Hominidae
Species Species  

Binomial System of Classification
• Given by Carlous Linnaeus.
• Start genus name with Capital letter.
• Start species name with small letter.
• Use italics.
• Followed by the person who describe the species.
• Eg. Homo sapiens Linnaeus/758
Species: A group species is a group of living organism which can reproduce among themselves.
Kingdom Monera (Prokaryotes)
• These are Unicellular prokaryotes.
• They lack a true nucleus.
• They may or may not contain a wall.
• They may be Heterotrophic or Autotrophic
Bacteria, Cyanobacteria, Anabaena
CARL WOESE in 1977 Further Divided it into



• Most are photosynthetic autotrophs.
• They are divided into three groups –

Kingdom Protista

• These contain unicellular, eukaryotic organism.
• They exhibit heterotopic mode of nutrition mostly.
• They posses pseudopodia, Cilia, Flagella for locomotion (movement)
Amoeba, paramecium.
• They are solitary or colonial and mostly aquatic animals.
Kingdom Fungi
• These are multicellular, eukaryotic organism.
• They exhibit a saprophyte mode of nutrition.
• Some fungi like Mucor, Rhizopus and Penicillium are
• Some fungi like Puccinia, Albugo are parasites.
• They are filamentous. The body of a fungus is called a
mycelium and is composed of several-thread like structures
called hyphae.
• Cell wall is made of Chitin.
Q. Bluegreen algae have been included under the kingdom monera not under plantae. Why?
 [NCERT Exemplar]
Sol. Plantae show definite membrane-bound organelles and multi-cellular body design. Blue-green
algae is prokaryotic in nature as it does not show multicellular body design. Hence it is
included in monera.
• Lichen grow on the rocks, bark of tree-trunks etc.
• In lichens, blue-green algae and fungi live in symbiosis (The fungus absorbs water and
mineral matter and supplies it to the algae) (Algae prepares food for fungus).

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