The Proposal Handwritten Summary Class 10 English

The Proposal  Summary Best Handwritten Notes 2023

 Class 10 English (First Flight) Ch 11 - The Proposal  Summary with Solutions (free PDF download) On this page, you can read or download the NCERT Book for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 11 The Proposal  Notes with Questions and Answers.

The Class 10 English Chapter Revision PDF Summary QNA and Notes has been gathered by teachers and experts. Handwritten Notes Explanation

We have provided the NCERT Chapter Summary for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 11 The Proposal  as well as some very important questions and answers at the end of the notes. Board, CBSE. Class 10 NCERT textbook Some very important questions along with answers at end of notes based on CBSE Board Ncert Books Class 10  

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CBSE Class 10th English Chapter 11 Summary  Chapter Sketch

The Proposal  Best Handwritten Notes  2023

Chapter Sketch About the Characters

The proposal in a one act play by the Russian short story writer and dramatic Anton Chekov. The plays set in a rural countryside of Russia A long time wealthy neighbour of Stepan Chunky, Ivan Lou comes to seek the hand of Stepan's daughter, Natalya Au three of them are very proud and quarrelsome they start fighting over petty issues. The proposal of marriage is made finally but the quarrating continues

Stephan Stepanovitch Chubukov He a landowner and the father of a young girl named Natalya 2 Nataly Shoto young girl She is fussy and argumentative  Lomox He is a young man who wishes to marry Natalya. He is alan very argumentative


Lomos at Chubokov's House

The play begins with the scene set in Chubukov's house Lamos comes there and ments Chubukov. Chuuk extremely happy to meet him.
 He asks him to sit down and also enquires why was he wearing an evening dress Lomov tells him that he has come there with a purpose. 
He told him that he wants to request him about something. Suddenly he gets waited. Chubukov fool that he must have come to borrow money from him. 
Lomov starts to speak and take about random things. Finally he tells him that he has come there to auk for Natalya's hand. Chubukoy gets exited at hearing this

Chubukoue Rauction to the Proposal

Chabukov gets so happy that he starts to behave ironically. He huge Lomov and kisses him. Lomov anka Chubukov that he wants his consent for the marriage. Chuhukov tells him that he was always hoping that he would come to ask for Natalya's hand

Lomeu Thinks About Natalya and his Life

Lomov starts trembling due to overtime He says that if he would have locked for a perfect partner he would have never got one and would have remained unmarried He foals that Natalys in a good housekeeper. 
He says that the ie not bud-looking and is very well educated. He feels he is already too old to get married and now be should lead quiet and regular life. He starts to jump limit parson

Talk Between Lomo and Naga

Natalya comes and apka Lomow why had he not come there for a long time. She informe Lomou about the harvent Sho asics him shy was he dressed in an saring dress and enquired if he was going to a hall Before Lomou told Natalija his purpose for the visit, they were off the point. 
He starts telling her that he has known his family for a very long time. He also tells her how he inherited his land and how he respect her father. Ha tole Natalya that he Open Meadows touth Natya's Northwood On hearing this, Natalya saya that the Chan Meadows are thin

Argument Regarding Land Ownership

Natalya gets serious and tell him that Oxan Meadows do not belong to him. They actually belonged to them, Lomov clarifies that he is talking about the Oxen Meadows that are between her Birchwoods and Burnt marsh Natalya insists that they are theirs. Lomos refuses it. He tells her that his auro grandmother gave those meadows to her father's grandfather. The peasants used the land for forty years

Argument Continues Between Natalya and Lomov

Natalya refuses and anioka on her point that those Meadow's are theirs Lomov on the other hand says that he has the documents to prove that it is his land. Natalya tolls him that they had that land for nearly 300 now Both of them continue fighting over the ownership of the land. Lomov offers to make a present of them to Natalya. She also says that she can make a present of them to him. They start shouting at each other.

Chubuku Takes Natalya's Side

Chubukow alon enters the room Natalys asks him to tell Lomov that the Oxen Meadows are owned by them.

Chubukow also supports Natalys and regards the meadows as theirs. Lomov refuses. Chotukov says that by shouting Lomov cannot prove that the Oxen Meadows are cured by him He accuses Lomov by saying that he cannot talk to him so de respectfully as he is twice of his age. Lomov says that he is cating his land as his and wants him to speak to him politely He calls Chubukovaland grabber Lonov threatens that he would take Chubukou to the court. A lot of abuses are exchanged between them. Chubukov says that Lomov's grandfather use a drunkard. His younger aunt Nastasya ran away with an architect, Lomov felt that he was dying so he could not say anything at that time. Natalya also cala Lomov a rascal Chubukov calls him a villain and a scarecrow. He also calls him a monster who has the courage to propose

Chuukov tolla Natalya the Purpose of Lomova Vit

As soon as Lomos leaves their home, Chuuko talla Natalya that he came to propose her. Hearing the word propose, Natalya acquires him Chubukov tells him that Lomov had conse there to propose Natalya for marriage Hearing this Natalya starts origin. She asks Chubukov to bring Lomov bank at one.

Chapter Highlights

1. Lomov goes to Chibukov's house to seek hand of Chubukese daughter

 2. Lomov tells Chubukov the purpose of hit visit. Chubukov consents him to marry his daughter.

3 Lomov starts talking of his land that Natalya thinks it is owned by her. 4 Lomov explains Natalya that he ours the land. Argument continues between Lomov and Natalya

5 Chubukov arrives and takes side with Natalya

6 Argument continues and Lomov leaves their house

7 Chubukov tells the purpose behind Lomov's visit to Natalya

8 Natalya tells Chubukov to call Lomov. Lomov arrives and they quarrel again regarding whose pet dog is better.

9 Lomov becomes unconscious. Chubukov gives her daughter's hand to Lomov

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