Tissues Class 9 Notes Science

 Tissues Class 9 Notes CBSE Science Chapter 6

CBSE NCERT Class 9th Revision Notes Science Chapter 6 Tissues topics given in textbook are part of Revision Notes for Class 

Science Notes provide an outline of the essential elements of each concept and topic covered in the NCERT Textbooks for Class 9th Science Revision Notes. This Chapter Notes section contains topic/concept-by-topic explanations for all of the topics covered in the book, such as Tissues: Tissues are a type of tissue. Tissues of the epithelium, Single layer of flat cells in a simple squamous epithelium

Well prepared Class 9th Science Notes will guidance students understand the topics ,concepts and themes covered in all the chapters of Ncert Text book of 9th  

Tissues Chapter 6 Science Notes 

Tissues ➢ There term tissue was given by Bichat in 1792. ➢ Study of tissues is called Histology. Division of Labour ➢

There term tissue was given by Bichat in 1792.
Study of tissues is called Histology.
Division of Labour
Cells are specialized to carry out only a few functions.
Examples: Muscle cells contract and relax to cause movement
Examples: Nerve cells carry message
Examples: Blood flows to transport oxygen, food, hormones, waste etc.
Examples: In plants, Xylem tissue conducts water.
Are plants and animals made of same types of tissues?
Plants do not move to search food.
Plants do not consume much energy.
Plants are Autotrophic.
Animals move in search of food.
They need more energy as compare to plants.
They are heterotrophic

Differences between Plant & Animal Tissues

Plant Tissues

1.Dead tissues are more than living tissues. 
2.They require less energy.

3.Organistion of plant tissue is simple.

Animal Tissues

1.Living tissues are more than dead tissues.
2.They require more energy.
3.Organistion of animal tissue is complex 

Meristematic Tissue

These cells divide continuously
They have thin cellulose cell wall
The shape or cells could be –spherical, oval, polygonal
or rectangular.
There are no intercellular spaces between cells.
The cytoplasm is dense and contain large Nucleus.
They contain few vacuoles or sometimes no vacuoles at all.

B.Occurrence: They are growth tissues and are found in growing regions of the plant.

C.Apical Meristem: They are situated in growing tip of stems and roots. i.e. shoot apex & root apex.
Helps in elongation of root & stem
Increases height of the plant (primary growth)
D.Lateral Meristem: They are found beneath the bark and in vascular bundles of dicot roots and
stems. Functions:
➢ Helps the stem or root to increase in diameter and girth (secondary growth).
Intercalary Meristem: They are located at the base of leaves or internode
eg. Stems of grasses
Helps to increase the length of leaves and internodes.
➢ They are parent tissue and new tissues develop from them.
➢ They help in formation of new cells
➢ New leaves, branches of stem & roots, flowers, fruits are produced.
➢ Injury in plants is healed up by formation of new meristems 

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